Wednesday 22 January 2014

2014-01-22 Hexadecimal Sudoku

In honour of hard working IT professionals everywhere, today we have a hexadecimal sudoku.  Exactly the same as a normal sudoku but with the numbers 0-9 AND the letters A-F giving 16 values to fit into a 4x4 grid.   Have fun and be nice you all your IT staff today if you're in the office!

Tuesday 21 January 2014

2014-01-21 Codeword

A return - hopefully I wont leave it so long until the next update.

Friday 22 November 2013

2013-11-22 Sudoku

Just because I fancy doing a Sudoku this morning.

Thursday 21 November 2013

2013-11-21 Word Puzzle

I enjoyed the last one so much, I created another.

My first is in 'Storm' but not 'Hurricane'
My second is in 'Rain' but not in 'Drop'
My third is in 'Cloud' but not 'Sunshine'
My fourth is in 'SnowFlake' but not 'Frost'
My fifth is in 'Climate' but not 'Weather'
My sixth is in 'Gale' but not in 'Gust'
The last is in 'Hailstone' but not found in 'Sleet'

My whole exists in Winter and can be gone overnight ;-)


Wednesday 20 November 2013

2013-11-20 Codeword

I'm back, after a couple weeks of being very busy and then ill, I've returned for the 0 people currently reading this blog. A tricky codeword today with a theme.